Connectivity is where I will hang my hat


I will celebrate five awesome years of The Creative Bullpen on June 11, 2016.

However, even as I prepare for my symbolic cake, my journey has been far from a cakewalk. Hustle, networks, adaptability and perseverance are the order of my day, in fact, every single day. Those necessary traits have never really been a driving concern for me. I work hard, I see "the story" from my clients' eyes and I am blessed to know a lot of good people from past associations and forward-thinking organizations that populate my main targeted areas of agriculture, conservation and sports. To string together The Creative Bullpen's impressive client list and to have the chance to work with the great people I have over the past five years is amazing. And the support I have received from my family is even above that level of amazing. I am very fortunate. But, wow, time has indeed zoomed by.

Underlying my core skillset now is the business owner's savvy that I have picked up along the way. The peaks and valleys associated with the early days - and thereby learning the flows of money and adapting to life's pressures without a regularly scheduled paycheck-are less and less as my biz-flight trajectory continues. I also adamantly sub-contract good people. Like, really good talented people. The designer of my website, Corie Arbuckle of , is an excellent representative of the individuals and talent I seek for the best and most positive impacts on my clients.

But, after five great years of balancing my act solo on the Creative Bullpen windsurfer, what has me most jazzed up? What am I racing to the window of opportunity and scanning the hardest for? Firstly, on a personal note, I champion the environment and I champion industry. I believe the two must and can co-exist. On that front, my enthusiasm is building every day from the solution-based interactions between industry, governments and conservation interests. These groups have always talked, this isn't new. But it's how they're talking, what they are saying, more importantly, that they are putting aside their own goals and finding that their own interests are actually intertwined. Add in the super important and growing role of Canada's indigenous leaders and communities in these critical environmental and economic discussions and we all have reason to be optimistic. The movement toward the smartest Canada is well underway, enhanced prosperity will follow.

And, that's also my play as I head forward. For my clients, they have to understand where I do fit, where can I help, who can I help them with and who can help them? My scene needs the "multi-partner-multi-stakeholder-share-common-interests" movement underway and my clients must clearly understand where I fit. If after five years of grinding to find it, then boiling it down and shaping it into one word that describes all I can do, I would reply: Connectivity.

I connect with my clients, I connect them to their story, their narrative and their golden opportunities. I connect my client's story to the most-interested of their target audiences and steward and nurture the connections to grow. In my many networks, I connect others back to my clients, connecting their sought needs back to my clients strengths. I am a communication connectivity expert --adhering to the foundations of marketing and strategic communications -- yet nimble, motivated, networked, creative and experienced enough to make it all happen. Every time.

Five years into this great career path, connectivity is where I find myself firmly entrenched. And, after five years of hustling, networking and providing results, connectivity is what many organizations need to reach their goals.