When our many amateur sports experiences are combined with our professional communications abilities, networks and overall hustle, we have a lot to offer. Organizing a tournament, event or championship is a daunting task, especially from the communications aspects. We’ve been to many sports events and we know how it feels as a player, parent or supporter when the tournament is top notch. We want to work collaboratively with organizers, committees and governing bodies to give the best profile back to their event and sport. We also want to profile Manitoba as the sports hotbed it deserves to be known as.
— Duncan Morrison

Past/Current Clients:

  • Manitoba Lacrosse Association
  • NRG Athletes Therapy Fitness
  • Canadian Field Lacrosse Championships Winnipeg 2016
  • Canadian Ultimate Championships Winnipeg 2015
  • National Bantam Lacrosse Championships Winnipeg 2013
  • The Sports Express